After Captain the Horse notices smoke coming from the chimney, Tibbs is sent to investigate. In the town of Suffolk, despite Lucy the Goose's doubts, Old Towser the bloodhound passes the message on to an old farm, where a group of animals are alerted: an old dog named 'Colonel,' a cat named 'Sergeant Tibbs,' and a horse named 'Captain.' Tibbs explains that he heard dogs barking at the abandoned 'DeVille place' nearby. That night, while on their usual walk in Primrose Hill, Pongo sends the message to Danny the Great Dane and his terrier friend at Hampstead, whom they use Pongo's message to forward the Dalmatians' request for help to all the dogs throughout England. Pongo suggests to Perdita to use the 'Twilight Bark' to spread the word to look for their puppies, though known moreso as a gossip chain. Roger suspects Cruella, but nothing is turned up at her home. The Police and Scotland Yard are unable to find any clues to the abduction. One evening, while Roger and Anita take their dogs for a walk, a pair of bandits named Horace and Jasper break into their house, and steal the puppies. Time passes, and the puppies grow bigger, and gain their spots. However, Roger interjects, deciding not to sell them, causing Cruella to storm off, angered at this news. Cruella shows up shortly afterwards, offering to buy them all. The puppies eventually arrive, with Perdita delivering a litter of 15 puppies. Pongo meanwhile, tries to assure Perdita, who is now sad over their having puppies. Roger afterwards, decides that Cruella's name would be the perfect thing to use in his new song, and playfully sings it much to Anita's discontent. Cruella asks Anita to keep her informed when they arrive, and leaves. Cruella has come to see the puppies, only they are not due for several more weeks. Pongo and Perdita are also eagerly expecting puppies, when Anita's old schoolfriend Cruella De Vil comes to call. Sometime afterward, the two are wed and move in together, hiring a housekeeper to help with the housework. Pongo tricks Roger into going to the park earlier than normal, and through a rather wet incident, ends up allow Roger and Anita to meet. Viewing dogs and their owners going by, Pongo spies Perdita, a female dalmatian, and her 'pet,' Anita. Roger is a brooding musician, who seems to have no problems with the life of a bachelor. In 1950's London, England, we are introduced to a dalmatian dog named Pongo, and his 'pet' (owner), Roger (note: dogs in this film refer to their owners as 'pets,' much the way humans refer to dogs the same way).

All attempts by the police to find the missing pups fail, and the desperate Pongo and Perdita appeal to the dogs of London, via the "twilight bark." Led by The Colonel, an indomitable shaggy dog and a cat named Sergeant Tibbs, all dogdom comes to the rescue and, aided by geese, cows, and horses, tracks down the missing puppies. When she is unable to purchase the puppies, she has them "dognapped" and brought to her crumbling estate in the country, where 84 other Dalmatians are also being held captive. A few months later, Perdita gives birth to 15 puppies, much to the delight of Cruella De Vil, a wealthy, wicked former schoolmate of Anita's whose burning passion is to own a coat made of Dalmatian pelts. It is not long before love blossoms all around and a double wedding takes place. Bored with their single existence, Pongo arranges for Roger to meet Anita, a pretty young woman who just happens to have a female Dalmatian named Perdita.

Pongo is a male Dalmatian living in London with his master, Roger, a bachelor songwriter who has yet to sell his first tune.